Annabelle is 11 and it has always been her dream to get to Disney. For the past many years she has continued to collect spare change and call it Disney money. If she stops adding to the jar for a while, she emmediatly starts back up when she sees a book about Disney or a commercial. As most of you know I have committed to walk the overnight in Boston and one requirement is $1,000 dollars. Although daunting, this amount is non negotiable to walk and my family is doing all they can to help. My facebook page, blog and website have all been geared to raise the funds. One day Annabelle's Disney Jar became a covered in beautiful paper and designed and said "Joshua's Money Jar". Annabelle put her hopes and dreams on hold to give to my walk and help support those who are hurting. She adored her brother, and I assume feels like she can do something for him this way. Annabelle has made 2 donations from tooth fairy money to spare change...More so she stopped thinking about herself and her trip to Disney. As a mother I keep going back and forth with this, proud that she would be so selfless at such a young age and kicking myself that her money could actually be going to Disney. She is almost past the age of wonder......Guilt.
Times are so tough , even raising money for suicide is hard right now because people are so strapped. But God has shown me blessings around every corner and each time I hear change drop into her jar upstairs in her bedroom, I thank God for small Angels disguised as children.
There are Angels Among Us.
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