Every moment of every day my heart cries out for him, my son! Joshua was my first born and my first real understanding of what it meant to be selfless. I was sixteen when I had him and yet it seem that bonding with a baby and caring for him were as natural to me as speaking. As he grew it became more and more apparent that he would not have the heart for this world. Not fit in, not understand the cruelty of those around him and certainly his fashion of deep love, strong commitment and taking the pain of others on, would not be welcomed or understood. He was simply to caring for this life. Looking back I did not help. I feel it was my heart and how close he and I were that made him so fragile. It might be possible that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but for me it is paved with regret. It is a dark place, a missed phone call on an evening when he was going to take his life or time not spent. These are all the trappings of the darkness.
On the evening of June 3rd Joshua hung himself at a home in Wolfboro NH I was not the one to find him. I was not the one to call 911, I was not the one who had the chance to scramble and struggle to get him down, to make him breathe again, to go in the ambulance...I was in fact hours away at a home in Gloucester on the ground screaming and what seemed like a million miles from my son. The drive to Wolfboro was torture. A phrase kept running through my head "wither so ever thou goest"...I found out later that that is a Bible verse Joshua 1:9.
The hospital was full of crying people. I think I was in a numb shock and certainly not processing what was about to happen or what I would see. My family each went in to say there good-byes separately and then it was my turn. I know some families have chosen not to go in, some have decided it best not to let the last sight of your child be bruised and broken. That however was not me. I knew I had to, I knew it would be regretted always and I needed to say good-bye. If I could not make myself turn the knob and go in, then the only idea I had was to go in backwards. To get myself to his body, but not face this. I turned around, pushed against the door with my back and entered into a place that was so quiet, so eerie and so void of my sons energy. My face was now on the door as I backed into the room and reached my hands out behind me, waiting for the moment they reached where he lay. One step, another step and then another until my hands behind me felt a warm blanket and a foot. My baby boys foot. There I was suddenly holding death in my hands and waiting for him to say something. He did not. Finally after a time I turned around. There was my son, gone. His beautiful black hair, his tiny beard on his chin that he was trying to grow and the eyes that I wanted to look at me, closed. The blanket was pulled up high on his neck so I could not see the marks from the strangulation, but I am a mom and so I pulled the blanket down and ran my fingers over those lines and flashed to the attic and the struggle for breath and the reality of what he has just done.
So many knew my son. The outpouring of love from Wolfboro to Gloucester made his memorial service standing room....I never knew how many lives he touched until that day.
Oh God. I just reread this. Crying again at your words, your pain, your experience. Josh has been in my thoughts and prayers and now you are, too. From one Mom to another...xoxoxo.
Just re-read it myself and I can not even believe that I have lived this life. Thank you for your comment. My favorite saying is "ask me about the death of my son and I might cry, Don't ask me about my son and I surely will". <3
ReplyDeleteIve started to write in this white box at least ten times. Each time the tears stream down my face. I dont want the words to come out wrong, strike a nerve or just say the wrong things. I surely dont know what you have gone through and I dont know how you feel. All I know is how reading this has made me feel. I want to scream for you. I want to hug you. I want to take your pain away.
ReplyDeleteA friend from kory's page
Friend from Kory's page! Thank you for posting that comment, especially this morning. I was sitting having my coffee feeling like maybe I am not reaching anyone with Joshua's story. I'll take that hug even vitually as it means the world to me. Thank you for honoring Joshu'as life and my struggle by reading this blog <3
ReplyDeleteJoshua's Mom
Hi Joshua's Mom,.....A friend from Kory's page again,.. just stopped by to see how you are doing. :) I hope you are looking forward to spring and the new life it brings. I hope it energizes you as much as it does me. Winter is so depressing for me. I need to smell the earth warming fresh new air and the new growth happening all around me that happens in the spring. Wishing you well... Jim
ReplyDeleteFriend! Thank you for writing again!! You could not have known how deeply I am struggling this winter. I am not sure why because it has been mild. I have to force myself outdoors. Just suffered an injury that makes excuses easier..uggg. I am actually longing for spring and yet spring is hard for me, my body prepares for June when spring arrives. It seems life is all about coping. Thank you so much for honoring Joshua and writing to me, sometimes blogging can be lonely!! xoxoxo
ReplyDelete~Joshua's Mom
Hi Joshua's mom its Jim a friend from Korys page again ,.. I hope you are doing well. Besides the recent rain, this spring has been awesome. I hope you have been able to enjoy it! Get your kayak out and paddle its great for your heart , mind and soul. Take care of you. JIm
ReplyDeleteYou are ALL always in my heart - that you have touched with your words, and in my prayers.
ReplyDeleteAnd you as well~ So glad to know you.