I hold the night Joshua was born and the night he died so intensely close that I am sure I will be consumed by it and yet I am not. Instead it changes me, each and every day I see God in new ways drawing me away from the indifference of this world and into the intimacy of the eternal place. Josh was born on my birthday. Imagine that! My first grandchild born on my birthday. A birthday present from God. One of the most joyful and happiest days of my life. Who would have ever believed that this same child would be the reason for the most profoundly sad day of my life as well. A mere fifteen years later. Even now the darkest place in my being embraces a flicker of light called Joy as I remember so fondly our relationship and the wonderful years we had together. He is still a gift from God and I honor this pain and feel humbled to carry it forth for a reason that may yet to be seen.
I love you Josh. Love, Mimi
Thank you mom for writing this. I know it can be hard, we have so many people who's lives Joshua is touching! Love You