Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Such a simple number and yet for me that number has changed my life.

I honestly can’t remember the first time I met them. I know they wont mind me saying that. I am not certain if they were at the funeral or the cemetery when Joshua was buried. Yet somehow I feel like they have been with me since the moment he took his last breath. Their names are Sam, Alyson and Evan. For a long time I did not even remember their names. Each year they would come to the anniversary of Joshua’s death, and wait their turn to sit near him. No matter rain or shine they were there.

Their story is simple. They knew Joshua. There reason for coming year after year is not so simple. His impact on them was life changing.

Now as I sit each year by my son on June 3rd and shed the tears of loss once again, I have also have something to look forward to. The three of them, driving up, coming over and sharing the same stories that I seem to keep forgetting almost as soon as they tell them.

To Alyson, Sam and Evan. Thank you for bringing some light into this very dark place.

Joshua’s Mom <3


  1. I can tell you that I was not there when Josh was burried. I never knew Josh personally but he and you have brought so much joy and happiness into my life. You are such a great person! When Alyson and I first got together she told me the story of Josh. And it saddened me and hurt me. I had never heard of someone so young feeling the need (and actually succeeding) in taking thier own life. This is very close to me because I attempted suicide myself. It was a very dark time and place in my life. You have brought so much joy into my life Amanda that I can't even begin to express my thanks.

    And Amanda we will always be with you. You may have lost a son that day, but you gained some amazing people in your life. Thank you for all you do for Aly and I. You are an amazing person!!

  2. I love how you put that Sam! I lost one but certainly I gained 3. Think of how much he must enjoy us...listening and smiling at all the wonderful care and even sometimes sillyness. I adore every minute of having you all in my life. It is a true testament to Josh, and also to your character....<3
